The Hanging Gardens

Distance: 80.42 Km

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are one of the seven wonders of the world and although there is no evidence that they ever existed, you can find the Hanging Gardens today by the city wall of the old town in Middelfart.

Could the hanging gardens in Middelfart be one of the seven wonders of the world? Among the ancient wonders are the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The hanging gardens are a living and fascinating facade of vertical gardens that meet the Old Harbor and the sea, with a flourishing city wall. Babylon's hanging gardens were said to have been created 600 BC, and are described by a number of Greek historians. However, there is no evidence that they ever existed. In addition to existing in Middelfart.

Above Gammel Havn you will find the old town in Middelfart, where the small streets ooze atmosphere and idyll.

Along Gl. Vestergade is a building by the water characterized by small houses, which in the early days housed fishermen and craftsmen. On the slope towards Gammel Havn and Lillebælt you can experience "De Hængende Haver", which are beautifully hilly and vertical terraces. 

Updated by: VisitMiddelfart |
Photographer: VisitMiddelfart Copyright: H. Thomsen